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28 September 2004


too soon it is morning,
rise and shine,
begins the mourning.
Greet the sun,
rapidly moving,
So much to be done
in this day of proving.
Time is fleeting,
the bullet to outrun.
Boss is waiting,
that can't be undone.
too quickly,
barely enough time.
The tie and the briefcase
are tools of the trade.
Kiss her goodbye,
with a pang of regret,
Easy to forget it all,
climb back into bed.
Out to the transport,
to join the insanity,
In a blinding instant
on the bonfire of vanity.

The ants now are marching,

No time for benevolence.
With one destination,
One goal in mind.
Get to work,
Get there on time.

Arlindo Costa


O Padre suplica,
Na busca urgente
Da minha salvação.
Os sorrisos do director são
Uma ameaça de cova,
Eles prevêem o meu destino:
Um frango assado.
A última refeição
Tão doce e dolorosa.
Provar a essência
Enquanto ela se ausenta.
Reminiscência derradeira,
Debaixo do céu aberto.
Sem ter a oportunidade
De reviver esta vida.
Eles vêm para o sacrifício,
Conduzem-me nos metros finais
Que em quilómetros se transformam
Uma porta gigantesca me espera.
- Meu Deus, eu quero chorar!...
É medonha e muda,
Esperando o meu peso.
Anjos cantam, demónios rogam.
Pesares demasiados,
Alegrias de menos.
Sinto, a hora chegando,
A madeira grita o meu nome.
Os membros presos com ferros, enquanto
A visão é finalmente obscurecida.
Escassos momentos preciosos,
Por um instante,
O mundo cessa.
Paixões se incendeiam.
Uma última petição,
- Meu Deus!
Arlindo Costa

27 September 2004

Interesting Post, however...

A school for me is a place where one is taught to "think". Secondly, it is a place where one is taught how to learn. It's primary function is not transmiting "facts" and knowledge. For with the capacity to "think" and the capacity to learn there are more than enough place to aquire knowledge. For too long Schools have been seen as being the font of knowledge when in actual fact their primary role should be to teach students how to aquire knowldege and just as importantly, how to use it.

This basic lack in the education system is what accounts for many peoples inability to digest mass media reports and in so doing arrive at a balanced view of the world around them. Most just regurgitate last nights headlines.

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

The Sparks Fly

Interesting how here in portugal, the football bigshots, go off in such a ridiculous fashion. The latest row is over the standard of refreeing in the first 4 rounds of the Super-Liga. With the three biggest clubs (Benfica, FC Porto and Sporting) exchanging insults I am left wondering why the hell these "Gentlemen" don't meet around a table, like was done until a couple of years ago. At the time meetings were held where all the clubs discussed the good of football. But no more! It's time for these "Gentlemen" to put aside their petty diffrences and get their act together!

26 September 2004

Poor Medical Treatment Kills Thousands in U.S.,

"Poor Medical Treatment Kills Thousands in U.S., Says New Report on Health Care Quality

Requiring doctors and hospitals to report publicly on their performance and tying their pay to the results would dramatically reduce avoidable deaths and costs attributable to poor medical care, says a new report from an organization that works to improve health care quality. Wild variations in medical care led to 79,000 avoidable deaths and $1.8 billion in additional medical costs last year, the private National Committee for Quality Assurance said in its annual report released Wednesday."

The full story

And here we are Portugal bemoaning a imperfect National healthcare system. Makes you think!

Speech at New York University

"New York, NY - I am honored to be here at New York University --one of the great urban universities, not just in New York, but in the world. You haveset a high standard for global dialogue and I hope to live up to that tradition
today. This election is about choices. The most important choices a President makes are about protecting America… at home and around the world. A president’s first obligation is to make America safer, stronger and truer to our ideals."

The full speech

25 September 2004

Welcome to San Francisco

"Nudists, grab your yoga mats and head for San Francisco.

City prosecutors on Wednesday said it was not illegal to perform naked yoga in the city — even at the crowded tourist destination of Fisherman’s Wharf. Prosecutors dropped charges against a limber nudist, known locally as the “Naked Yoga Guy,” who made a habit of striking yoga poses in the buff in order to promote a book and his lifestyle."

Read the Full Story

14 September 2004

Peer to Peer for Cellphones

"File-sharing leaps from internet to cellphones

14:54 14 September 04

NewScientist.com news service

Music, videos and games could soon be swapped between cellphones using a mobile file-sharing network developed by phone maker Nokia."

Full Story


Raras são as ocasiões que um político neste pais fala de uma forma simples. Geralmente, são conversas complicadíssimas e poucos são aqueles que entendem.

Ontem falou o nosso Ministro das Finanças, comparando as finanças de um país com as finanças das nossas famílias. Há quem o acuse de demagogia. Mas a verdade é que, as diferenças entre os dois são ao nível da complexidade. Obviamente que, o orçamento de um país é mais complicado do que, de uma família. Dito isso, o importante são as semelhanças.


Isto é verdade em casa, nas nossas empresas e para o Estado. Não há nenhuma entidade, que consiga durante anos a fio viver acima das suas possibilidades.

É importante também notar que, os portugueses geralmente não conseguem fazer a correlação entre o orçamento familiar e o orçamento de Estado. Acham que as coisas são totalmente diferentes e que o Estado consegue gastar mais do que recebe, indefinidamente. Neste momento, exemplos são muitos. Nos Estados Unidos há muitas empresas multinacionais de aviação à beira da rutura. Os seus orçamentos são, de certo modo, comparáveis aos dos pequenos Estados como Portugal.

Se o Estado cobra 100 mil milhões de Euros em impostos e gasta 150 mil milhões tem a necessidade de arranjar essa diferença noutro sítio. Há algumas opções:
1) Aumenta os impostos;
2) Recorre ao crédito;
3) Vende bens e património;
4) Vai a falência, e deixa de pagar os seus fornecedores. Uma situação que, em certa medida, já existe em Portugal (claro que, um Estado na prática nunca vai à falência, mas muitos países na África e noutros continentes estão na falência. Já não conseguem pagar as suas dívidas).

Visto dessa forma, equilibrar o orçamento é bastante importante, porque se não formos nós a pagar, vão ser os nossos filhos a pagar. Neste contexto, Bagão Félix esteve bem. Não anunciou medidas concretas, mas pelo menos falou para os portugueses duma forma que qualquer um que quer entender, entende.

10 September 2004


"Spain Says Last Oil Sucked Out of Prestige Tanker

MADRID (Reuters) - The last few tons of sticky toxic fuel oil have been sucked out of the wreck of the Prestige tanker, Spain said on Friday, almost two years after the ship went down in the country's worst environmental disaster.

The Prestige broke in half and sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic after days struggling in high winds in November 2002, spewing thick oil over a once pristine coastline in the north-western region of Galicia.

"In recent days they have completed the extraction of fuel from the wreck," Deputy Prime Minister Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega told a news conference.
"We can say that 13,000 tons have been extracted," she said, adding the government had not yet decided what to do with the fuel.

Coming up with a plan to deal with the wreck took months, partly because it lay 3.8 km (2.4 miles) down on the seabed. Spain considered building a concrete tomb around the wreck but finally opted to suck out the 13,000 tons that remained. The other 64,000 tons have been painstakingly scooped out of the sea and cleaned off Galicia's rocky beaches.

Environmental groups complain it could take a decade for the eco-system to recover. De la Vega said scientists would continue to investigate and work on damage to algae and the seabed. "

From Yahoo News

09 September 2004

Handing our enemies a propaganda victory

Quoted Alienlandscape

"No, I'm not speaking of our friends on the left - their opposition to our efforts is well known. I'm speaking of the Administration, which has confirmed its uncritical acceptance of one of bin Laden's main points about Americans.

At no time has the repeal of Selective Service been contemplated. At no time has the Administration made a serious attempt to increase the number of people permitted to serve in the all-volunteer military even to Reagan-era levels.

Despite the knowledge that a larger number of troops may be needed, and more likely than not will be needed, in the years ahead, no serious attempt has been made to recruit them or to change the law in order to authorize larger numbers of them to be recruited.Nearly everyone who discusses a significantly more agressive warfighting strategy states, in terms that imply that it is self-evident, that a draft would be needed to carry it out.All of this sends the message, more loudly and clearly than bin Laden ever could, that bin Laden was right about Americans. These people are broadcasting, for all the world to hear, that they do not believe that large numbers of Americans will fight for this country except under compulsion. This is exactly the belief that encouraged bin Laden, helped him attract followers, and convinced them that they could bury thousands of our civilians under tons of rubble on our own soil with impunity. This is the belief that even now convinces the nutcases running Iran that they can send thugs to Iraq to destroy what we build and murder the builders without fearing for their own regime, and convinces them that they can safely work on nuclear weapons and not even keep it a very well-guarded secret without interference from us.We are making great strides against the enemies of civilization, but our own leaders are contributing to their morale.

This must end. Our friends on the left, such as Charlie Rangel, assert that the draft would be a good way to limit our action, prevent aggressive strategies from taking place, and cause the Administration to be restrained in its military action. Let us take them at their word, remove from everyone's mind any hint of possibility that the draft will be reimposed under any circumstances, and repeal the Selective Service Act without delay."

Interesting Read From Chicagoboyz

"Incidentally, I called Beslan an "atrocity" advisedly. I am sick of mass-murders being called tragedies. Tragedies just happen, they are inevitable, in the hands of the Gods. This type of made-for-TV murder is not tragic it is squalid, vile, and is a decision for evil, not inevitable, a decision requiring a response, not resignation."

The Full Post

Não sabia

"The Serbian government has reversed an order to ban Charles Darwin's theory of evolution from schools, following widespread criticism from scientists."
The full story.

Manuel Monteiro, O Grande Lider?

Salvando a democracia com a Nova Democracia.

"Se queremos salvar a Democracia temos de implantar a 4ª República, escrever e aprovar uma Nova Constituição, mudar o sistema de poderes e alterar a orgânica das instituições de segurança e de justiça. Nunca como agora foi tão urgente um golpe no Estado, um golpe que restitua vida e credibilidade à Democracia Representativa, um golpe que devolva o poder ao povo e aos órgãos de soberania eleitos. Trata – se afinal de defender uma Revolução Pacífica, feita através de uma Assembleia Constituinte que, legitimada pela vontade popular, abra caminho a um Novo Estado, exigência cada vez maior da Nação! Esta Revolução é um imperativo para todos os Patriotas e uma necessidade para todos os Democratas. Enquanto é tempo!"

Sinceramente, não tenho paciência para este marginalizado!

Uma ideia final: Temos deputados a mais e trabalhadores a menos.

Virtual Humans

TELLURIDE, COLORADO -- Better make room for an extra crewmember aboard any spaceship heading outward. This person wont require food, oxygen or water, nor even need to buckle up for safety. The tag-along traveler could, however, be a lifesaver in terms of getting the expedition to and from a celestial destination.

The Full Story

Bush, the Great Commander in Chief?

BOSTON, United States (AFP) - Fresh questions were raised over George W. Bush's national guard service during the Vietnam War, with The Boston Globe reporting the president had fallen "well short" of meeting his military obligations.
For the rest of the story

WASHINGTON - Addressing questions that have lingered for years, newly unearthed memos state that George W. Bush failed to meet standards of the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam war, that he refused a direct order and that his superiors were in a state of turmoil over how to evaluate his performance after he was suspended from flying.
For the rest of the story

And this is the guy that leads the States to War?


And from Boston.com


After so much said, there's a easy solution to all this. Distributing morning after pills to all the portuguese women would sort that out. If someone still ended up having an abortion, she should go to jail for sheer stupidity...

08 September 2004

Abortion Again

"Ninguém Aborta Por Prazer -Nenhuma mulher aborta por prazer (deporto, gosto, etc.). Se ela decide abortar é porque não vê alternativa e quem somos nós para julgar a sua situação particular?"
That's the illusion created. actually there are two types of woman, the one that aborts because she has "no choice"(financially,emotionally, etc.) and the one that has an abortion because she wants to, because she doesn't want the hassle of having a kid, doesn't want the change of lifestyle, wants to pursue her career etc. Then possibly a third kind who is cajoled into it by doctors out to make a quick buck.

"A Questão de Consciência - O aborto é uma questão de consciência»."
Obviously, so too is murder, theft, fraud, prostitution and many others.

"Despenalização - Não se quer legalizar nem liberalizar o aborto: quer-se despenalizar.»"
Nope, I should think that changing the punishment is better (community service in orphanages comes to mind). Also depends on her motives for aborting and therefore she should be tried in court to see if she really had alternatives or not.

"Discriminação dos Pobres -Proibir o aborto é uma discriminação das mulheres pobres.As ricas podem ir ao estrangeiro, ou a clínicas privadas, fazer o aborto com toda a segurança. As pobres sujeitam-se a sórdidos vãos de escada». "
Illogical...Does not compute...Should use the same reason for not having a big house, not having a big car, not going on holiday... Capitalism always discriminates against the poor. ´For example you can't get a decent operation at a hospital here, but if you have money, you cross the seas to the States and your worries are over. Also no-one is forced to abort in the backstreets.

"Os Homens Não Podem Falar - O aborto é uma questão que só diz respeito às mulheres. Não deveria ser discutida nem decidida por homens»."
Another one, the guy is needed to have kids but then is chucked out when it suits the ladies. When there is child support to pay, the guy is suddenly important and has to shoulder his responsibility. It is or isn't.

"Liberdade de Escolha - A mulher deve ter a possibilidade de escolher o que lhe parece melhor. Numa sociedade democrática as pessoas são livres. Eu não sou a favor do aborto: sou a favor da liberdade de escolha.»"
This one cracks me up. Freedom of choice, no limits, no boundaries is chaos. Because in that case I have the freedom to choose to murder someone, the freedom to choose not to pay my taxes, the freedom to choose to follow a woman every day( harrasing her in everyway), or do I?

"Impor a Moralidade - Proibir o aborto é legislar moralidade. Pessoalmente sou contra o aborto, mas não posso impor as minhas convicções morais aos outros».
No its upholding a basic human right, THE BASIC HUMAN RIGHT - THE RIGHT TO LIFE.

Mulher e Médico - O aborto é um assunto da mulher e do seu médico» Ninguém é Obrigado a Abortar -A legalização do aborto não obriga ninguém a abortar. Quem entende que as suas convicções não lhe permitem abortar, não aborte».
This is like saying that murder is between a murderer and his priest. No one is forced to murder. Those who believe they should not murder because of their convictions, don't murder.

As Cadeias São Pequenas - Não há possibilidade de prender todas as mulheres (sejam 18000, 20000, etc.) que abortam ilegalmente. Por isso, na prática, o aborto já está legalizado mas sem condições, sem regras, sem controle.»- E nos casos em que o bebé é deficiente ou a mãe é demasiado pobre para o sustentar?»
You don't have to send a woman who has aborted to jail, just give her something useful to do(community service).

Outros Países - Portugal deve juntar-se aos países mais avançados do mundo, aproximando a sua legislação das leis em vigor no estrangeiro.»
Just because others have it doesn't mean its right. Rome was extremely advanced for its time but every week thousands died in the arenas, in all four corners of the empire.History is full of similar examples.

Por Razões de Segurança - Um aborto precoce não tem os riscos do aborto tardio e, assim, a lei, ao permitir o aborto até ás dez semanas, está a promover os abortos precoces que por razões de segurança devem ser sempre preferidos.
Allowing people to murder sooner rather than later doesn't make sense, at least not to me. Ithink we should be spending our time and effort getting goverments to create the conditions necessary for women to have their kids without needing to resort to abortion.

Criminalizar - «Parece-lhe que a mulher que aborta deve ir para a cadeia? Ser presa junto com as criminosas? Ser considerada uma criminosa
You don't have to send a woman who has aborted to jail, just give her something useful to do(community service).

Um modelo Politico e de Estado

1) Não há assembleia de república (Pessoalmente eu acho que os deputados são dinheiro mal investido. Não trazem nenhuma mais valia). Eleições quatro em quatro anos para eleger um governo. Durante dos quatro anos o governo retém os poderes executivas e legislativas (Funcionando como um governo que tem maioria absoluta).

2) O cargo de presidente da república é extinto com o Tribunal Constitucional. Assume funções de fiscalização da legalidade das leis promovidas pelo governo e é o presidente do mesmo a promulgar as leis. Continuam a assegurar a protecção da constituição. O TC poderá agir sem ser consultado.

Eleição do Tribunal constitucional é feita pelos magistrados e advogados.
Justiça totalmente independente incluindo um imposto próprio cobrado pela direcção nacional de impostos

(O Imposto da Justiça – IJ).

3) Constituição só pode ser alterado em referendo com maioria de 2/3.

4) Eleições:

Dois tipos - Eleições Nacionais: para eleger governo da nação
- Eleições Distritais: Para eleger governo do distrito.

Presidentes das câmaras municipais são eleitos pelo governo do distrito e formam a sua equipa.

5) Funções do Governo Nacional
· Defesa
· Negócios estrangeiros
· Administração Interna
· Fiscal
· Obras Nacionais (aquelas obras que ultrapassam limites dos distritos, linhas ferias, alta-estradas, etc.)

Funções do Governo do Distrito
· As funções restantes são tratadas regionalmente

Aborto Clandestino.

Não podemos utilizar o facto de as mães recorrerem ao aborto clandestino, como razão para legalizar o aborto. Seguindo esse raciocínio, seria necessário legalizar todos os crimes praticados clandestinamente.

Por exemplo: vamos legalizar o roubo porque é praticado clandestinamente. Mais vale o roubo em público, que pode ser controlado e fiscalizado. Desta forma, o ladrão, também, passaria a pagar impostos (O que seria bom para o país). Também podiam ser estipuladas quotas (do género das quotas de pesca) e uma taxa sobre os lucros do ladrão para financiar projectos de apoio aos desfavorecidos que foram vítimas de roubo.

É muito lógico, não é?

07 September 2004

Freedom of Speech

Dr. Rebecca Gomperts (Abortion Doctor) of the "Woman on Waves" defends the freedom of speech. Paraphrasing her, we have the right to say what we want when we want.

Beautiful World that would be. It would mean that I could walk up to her in public and call her a f&#$ing whore, slut, bitch and whatever other word came to mind.

It would mean me being able to phone her up in the middle of the night threatening her and her family because obviously that is freedom of speech

Or is it? Obviously Not

01 September 2004

Weapons of Minimum Destruction

Weapons of Minimum Destruction
An American terror expert has a radical theory as to why nobody is using chemical and biological weapons: they aren't much use for killing masses of people.by Brendan O'Neillin (spiked-politics)

And now I´ve seen it all...

How would you like to vote in the american elections. No, you don´t have to be a US citizen. Just follow the link.


"In November 2004, U.S. citizens will elect their new President. The outcome of this election directly influences the life of citizens around the world.
Theworldvotes.org gives people all around the world a voice in the forthcoming U.S. Presidential Election.
Ensure that your voice is heard by casting your vote electronically and add momentum to a worldwide drive to establish global democracy."

Whats next, voting in the Iranian election, French election, Indonesian election or how about the Zimbabwean election ( I´m sure Robert Mugabe is waiting for your vote)

Baby at 12 weeks

Have a look at these fotos taken using a 3D ultrasound technique.
