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06 October 2004

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa deixa a TVI


Depois de uma conversa ocorrida a pedido do presidente da Media Capital, Miguel Paes do Amaral, o antigo líder do PSD anunciou que vai abandonar de imediato os comentários semanais na TVI, que duravam desde 13 de Maio de 2000. A oposição acusa o Governo de pressões sobre a comunicação social

"Na sequência de conversa da iniciativa do presidente da Media Capital, Miguel Paes do Amaral, decidi cessar, de imediato, a colaboração na TVI, a qual sempre pude livremente conceber e executar durante quatro anos e meio", declarou Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, que fazia comentários políticos ao domingo no
telejornal da TVI desde 13 de Maio de 2000.

A decisão de Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa ocorre dois dias depois de o ministro dos Assuntos Parlamentares, Rui Gomes da Silva, ter estranhado o silêncio da Alta Autoridade para a Comunicação Social em relação aos comentários, que classificou de «ódio», feitos pelo ex-presidente do PSD aos domingos na TVI.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa leaves TVI


After a meeting with the president of Media Capital, Miguel Paes do Amaral, the ex-leader of the PSD party announced that he would be abandoning his weekly opinion show, effective immediately. This was after having come on board, on the 13 May 2000. Opposition parties are accusing the Government of putting pressure on the mass media.

"After a meeting called by the president of Media Capital, Miguel Paes do Amaral, I decided to cease, effective immediately, my collaboration with TVI, where I had freedom to conceive and produce during four and a half years", said Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who had a spot on Sunday night, after the news for political commentaries since 13 of May 2000.

This decision comes two days after the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Rui Gomes da Silva, found the silence of The High Authority for the Mass Media in relation to the commentaries, strange. He had classified these commentaries, by the ex-president on Sundays, on TVI as hatred.

(Translated by DemonPoet)

Freedom of expression suffered a blow in Portugal Today! This after, as far as I can see, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa refused censorship by TVI's president. This seems obvious when he says that he had freedom to create and produce during four and a half years. From this I conclude that the meeting was to discuss these new work conditions. The Big question is if this was just a move by Miguel Paes do Amaral in result of the brewing problems, or if in fact some or other member of the Goverment applied pressure for TVI to change...

That remains to be seen.

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